Nicholas Guenther

Nicholas Guenther

Security Engineer

Nicholas is interested in building sovereign digital spaces, where people can be in control of their online environment, still believing in the optimistic view of the networked future. He studied computer science and has worked writing firmware for Ethereum hardware-backed wallets at KNØX and administered machine learning research workloads at Polytechnique de Montréal always with an eye to producing reliable, repeatable infrastructure, and the possible security threats against it. He also has a mind that is always looking at problems from all sides and loves to find clever ways to reinterpret, subvert, and reinforce systems. Outside of work, he repurposes obsolescent computers, participates in CTFs, makes interactive art installations, and brings communities together through skill-sharing and mentorship. On his own time he enjoys gardening, applauding his friends at house shows, and exploring other cities through cycle touring.

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